1 Cup (240 g Plain Yogurt
2/3 Cup (160 ml) Water
2 Bananas, Peeled
1 Pear, Halved, Cored
1 Apple, Halved, Cored
2 Cups (280 g) Frozen Blackberries
1) Place all ingredients into the Vitamix container in the order listed and secure lid
(2) Select Purée Program
(3) Switch machine to Start and allow machine to complete programmed cycle
Nutritional Information
Per 1 Cup (240 ml) Serving: Calories: 142, TotalFat: 1 g, Saturated Fat: 1 g, Protein: 4g, Fiber: 6 g, Carbohydrates: 31 g, Sodium: 38 mg, Cholesterol: 4 mg
Approximately four 15 ounce smoothies
$10.00 for all ingredients, or $2.50 per serving
5.5 frozen fruit
1 yogurt (buying bulk)
1.50 apple
1 pear
1 bananas